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Jewelry Empty
PostSubject: Jewelry   Jewelry I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 10:02 am

Jewelry Mms-ring
Ring of the sharp eye
increased: 59 Markmanship
Duration: Permanent
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum Level: 96
Price: 24000 gold

Jewelry Mms-ring-g
Ring of superhuman accuracy
increased: 89 Marksmanship, 66 Willpower
Duration: Permanent
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum Level: 96
Price: 500 Gems

Jewelry Willpower
Talisman of eternal perseverance
increased: 56 Willpower
Duration: Permanent
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum Level: 92
Price: 11450 gold

Jewelry Willpower-g
Talisman of eternal perseverance
increased: 95 Willpower
Duration: Permanent
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum Level: 92
Price: 280 Gems

Jewelry Endurance
Domian’s ring of enduring endurance
increased: 51 Endurance
Duration: Permanent
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum Level: 84
Price: 18000 gold

Jewelry Endurance-g
Elder ring of durability
increased: 78 Endurance, 59 intelligence
Duration: Permanent
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum Level: 84
Price: 450 Gems

Jewelry Willp
Elder ring of focus
Increases: 45 Willpower
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 72
Price: 13000 Gold

Jewelry Willp-g
Rackham’s ring of single-mindedness
Increases: 68 Willpower, 53 Endurance
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 72
Price: 400 gems

Jewelry Mms_neck
Eagle’s eye amulet
Increases: 43 Marksmanship
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 69
Price: 8500 Gold

Jewelry Mms-neck-g
Eagle’s eye amulet
Increases: 73 Marksmanship
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 69
Price: 250 gems

Jewelry Intelligence
Ring of genius
Increases: 39 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 60
Price: 9000 Gold

Jewelry Intelligence-g
Elder ring of godly brilliance
Increases: 57 Intelligence, 46 Willpower
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 60
Price: 350 gems

Jewelry End-neck
Necklace of cheetah’s stamina
Increases: 34 Endurance
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 50
Price: 6300 Gold

Jewelry End-neck-g
Necklace of cheetah’s stamina
Increases: 58 Endurance
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 50
Price: 230 gems

Jewelry Mms-ring
Elder ring of the eagle’s eye
Increases: 34 Marksmanship
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 48
Price: 7000 Gold

Jewelry Mms-ring-g
Ring of target seeking
Increases: 51 Marksmanship, 40 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 48
Price: 300 gems

Jewelry Endurance
Ring of camel-like endurance
Increases: 29 Endurance
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 40
Price: 4300 Gold

Jewelry Endurance-g
Ring of the tuareg shaman
Increases: 44 Endurance, 33 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 40
Price: 255 gems

Jewelry Willp
Ring of strong will
Increases: 25 Willpower
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 37
Price: 3000 Gold

Jewelry Willp-g
Ring of ursine willpower
Increases: 37 Willpower, 26 Endurance
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 37
Price: 220 gems

Jewelry Int-neck
Amulet of acumen
Increases: 27 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 34
Price: 4100 Gold

Jewelry Int-neck-g
Amulet of acumen
Increases: 46 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 34
Price: 200 gems

Jewelry Intelligence
Ring of brainstorms
Increases: 20 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 29
Price: 2000 Gold

Jewelry Intelligence-g
Ring of the astute sharpshooter
Increases: 30 Intelligence, 20 Marksmanship
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 29
Price: 190 gems

Jewelry Mms-ring
Ring of high precision
Increases: 14 Marksmanship
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 23
Price: 1700 Gold

Jewelry Mms-ring-g
Ring of the barbarian warrior
Increases: 22 Marksmanship, 15 Willpower
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 23
Price: 160 gems

Jewelry Endurance
Athlete’s ring
Increases: 16 Endurance
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 16
Price: 1400 Gold

Jewelry Endurance-g
Ring of the decathlete
Increases: 19 Endurance, 11 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 16
Price: 135 gems

Jewelry Willpower
Lesser amulet of willpower
Increases: 12 Willpower
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 12
Price: 2200 Gold

Jewelry Willpower-g
Amulet of acumen
Increases: 21 Willpower
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 12
Price: 180 gems

Jewelry Intelligence
Simple ring of intelligence
Increases: 10 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 10
Price: 1250 Gold

Jewelry Intelligence-g
Refined ring of intelligence
Increases: 13 Intelligence, 7 Endurance
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 10
Price: 115 gems

Jewelry Intelligence
Acolyte’s ring
Increases: 5 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 4
Price: 1100 Gold

Jewelry Intelligence-g
Acolyte’s ring
Increases: 7 Intelligence
Duration: Always
Category: Fingers
Wearable in this category: 4 items.
Minimum level: 4
Price: 100 gems

Jewelry Marksmanship
Amulet of the piercing gaze
Increases: 5 Marksmanship
Duration: Always
Category: Neck
Wearable in this category: 2 items.
Minimum level: 3
Price: 208 Gold
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