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 Basic strategy: FAMILIARS

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Basic strategy: FAMILIARS Empty
PostSubject: Basic strategy: FAMILIARS   Basic strategy: FAMILIARS I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 12:48 pm

Basic strategy 101 version 1.4 written by Galen.

Familiars are a pet that a mage may have with them. There are many different familiars and all have a different ability of some kind. Apart from the Cat familiar, every familiar costs gems to both purchase and level. The maximum level of a Familiar is level 3 and each level-up will give your familiar an extra 10% bonus to its stats as well as +1 ability use and makes the effect of the ability stronger. The stats of a familiar are the same as a Mage, Intelligence, Willpower, Endurance and Marksmanship. Whatever stats the familiar has will be added onto the mage. It requires gold to upgrade a familiars stats and rises significantly the higher the level. As noted above in the stats section, the familiar is an excellent way to give your mage much needed stat boosts in endurance and marksmanship. However, the familiar in terms of stats acts like equipment. It does not add base and just gives extra points on the top.

Here is a link to Polgara's section on the various familiars.
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